Monday, April 7, 2014

Birthday Shout Outs for April

So here they are!
I am even a little early - (Amazing!)
Birthday Shout Outs for April!

Katie oozes personality!
The sparkle in her eyes and smile
has been present since birth.
That sparkle gives a clue to the
kind and good person she is inside.
We love our Miss Kate! 

Charlie is a sweet Cuddle Bug!
Since he was born, he has been dubbed
Best Baby on Earth!
And he is so adorable with his big brown eyes!
He's becoming quite grown-up now,
running everywhere and holding his own 
with his big brother and big sister.

I am really enjoying doing this Shout Out thing 
with my kids and grandkids.
Focusing on each one,
one at a time -
it makes my heart swell with love and pure joy!
I am blessed.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea to post about each family member on their birthday month! You have a beautiful family and every right to be proud of them!
