Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Tennis, Anyone! and Visiting The Sunshine Acres Childrens' Home

More sporting fun was on tap the next morning.
First on the agenda Tuesday was tennis.
Kids and grandkids broke into teams.
Fathers and sons, cousins, moms and dads 
played each other in doubles. 

While the tennis matches went on,
others skateboarded . . .

. . . cheered the players on . . .

. . . dispensed out tennis balls . . .

 . . . took turns holding Claire . . .

. . . or played games on the iPhone.

 A most excellent line judge presided.

After lunch, we all drove over to 
the Sunshine Acres Childrens' Home.
Each of the kids had chosen 
one of their Christmas presents to donate to the orphans, 
and Stacy had arranged for us 
to also have a tour around the facility.
It was so heart-warming to see what nice gifts 
the kids chose and to see their faces 
as they were explained the lifestyle of those kids 
who lived at the orphanage.

The kids had lots of questions 
that they asked our tour guide/director.
What a wonderful place this is for kids 
who are in varying circumstances - 
in each case, the child either has neither parent 
or the parents are not capable of raising him/her.
What loving, dedicated people care for them.
It was an eye-opening experience for all of us!

And it was a wonderful, learning experience 
for the cousins to share together.

What better way is there to close out this post
than with Baby Claire.
She represents all of our grandkids,
with her happy smile,
knowing that she is loved and adored by her parents.
and  those parents (our children) 
are all able and lovingly eager 
to care for their children.

How very blessed we are!

1 comment:

  1. The action shots of the tennis and skateboarding are great! The visit to the children' s home and the kid's sharing gifts is such a wonderful way to teach generosity and appreciation - I bet the kids will remember this for years to come! Baby Claire is SO cute!
