Monday, January 13, 2014

Hiking, Swimming and Family Home Evening - A Family Sports Heyday!

Our family is full of sports enthusiasts.
You name it - hiking, biking, swimming, 
four-wheeling, riding horses,
playing almost every kind of ball - 
tennis, basketball, baseball, soccer, ping pong, etc.
That's not to mention tumbling, gymnastics and dancing.
I am and have always been  
the spectator, more than the player,
but Ryan told me that this was a hike I could handle,
so Monday morning, some of us drove out to the Wind Cave Trail.
Some moms stayed home with babies and sick kids
and Tom had to work.  
I'll mention here that some of us fell victim to a stomach bug, 
which inevitably happens every Christmastime.
Luckily, only one or two had it at a time,
so it didn't spoil any Big Plans on the itinerary.

At first, it was pretty low incline 
and the trail was relatively smooth.

Roger got some really pretty scenery shots.
It was a gorgeous, clear day, temp. in the high 60s.

So far, I was lovin' it.

After 36 minutes 
(I wasn't counting the minutes, or anything)
 picking my way through uneven rocks,
as the trail got more and more rocky and steep,
I rested on a big rock 
as the group went ahead to the tippy top.

They had a great view of the valley.

Back down at the trail head, we counted injuries -
just two with scraped knees and elbows.

The hike was about an hour up and a little less back down - 
a fun experience together!

We fixed lunch at Ryans,
then hit his pool that he heated up for us!

We have a lot of fish in this family - 
everyone off the diving board!









 . . . and those are just the ones we happened to get pics.

Syd and her friend, Noelle, were mermaids last summer 
for little kid birthday parties.

Claire . . .

. . . and Charlie watched the fun.

I love Ryan's backyard.

The hot tub felt great!

Then the water basketball game got underway.

Grandma just enjoyed spectating and holding baby Claire.

Miss Addie getting an ice cold drink

Thanks, Ryan, for heating the pool!

Father and sons


Hangin' out after swimming

Emily and Ryan were in charge of Monday night's dinner - 
we had yummy Mexican haystacks.

After the marathon swimming, 

Yikes, shriveled hands and feet!

Cousin love

Non-stop fun catching up

After dinner, it was time for
Family Home Evening,
and it was prepared by Josh.

He had us break up into families to talk about ways 
we can more effectively live happily as families and 
share that happiness with others 
and develop Christlike attributes.

All those grandkids who played the piano (or violin) 
for their talent performed for us.
On New Year's Eve, 
all of the dancers/gymnists/tumblers/magicians performed
at Stacy and Tom's at the New Year's Eve Party (details to follow).

A few more little guys checked out.

Baby Claire giving Aunt Stacy a nursing baby kiss

Blake sharing his talents - 
on the iPhone . . .

. . . and with the basketball!

The only casualty of the afternoon was Grandpa - 
Ryan sewed five perfect stitches in his elbow.

Part of every family gathering is a bit of wrestling 
with dads and uncles,
 their kids and nieces and nephews.

I guess I forgot to include wrestling in the list of sports 
that this family enjoys!
It was a fitting ending to a Family Sports Heyday!

1 comment:

  1. So many great pictures of your beautiful family! It is fun to see all of the activities that you did together. I'm sorry about Roger's owie - it is nice to have a doctor in the family for such times! Having FHE all together is a wonderful idea!
