Thursday, August 1, 2013

Proud To Be A Gabrielsen!

to my cousin, Skip, and his wife, Karleen!
Thank you for bringing back The Gabrielsen Reunion!

Those little babies and toddlers who were at our last one
are now teens and young marrieds.
And we have all had 
lots of water under the bridge since the last one.
We needed to catch up!

Here are the ones who started it all - 
Lyman Conrad and Erma Deborah Adams Gabrielsen,
my dad's parents.

We gathered under the bowery at Nicholl's Park in Fruit Heights 
at noon on July 27. 
Earlier that morning, the golfers played in a scramble 
at Davis Park Golf Course, which was across the street.
(Yay, Stratford/Hinton Foursome - lowest score!)

The Gabrielsen Banner and Crest, Lyman, Sr's signature,
 was sewn by Ellen Gabrielsen King, Al, Sr's daughter.

We put a call out to the Old Cousins
to gather for a picture.

(from left front row) Skip, Randy, me, Leslie, Eric and Kay
(from left back row) Joe, Evan, Diane, Todd and Alex

As my cousin, Evan, called them,
here are the Grande Dames of our clan.
Aunts Grace, Gary and Nedra.
They are the remaining ones of their generation.

Over 80 relatives enjoyed yummy food . . .

(Lily Cameron is loving the desserts)

. . . listened to update reports on Erma and Lyman's
 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren . . .

. . . (kids) played in the Castle Playground nearby . . .

. . . chatted and listened to banjo music . . .

. . . looked through Gary's well-kept photo albums 
and records of the extended family. . .

. . . had their faces, legs, etc. painted
 by Professor Dr. Sister Mother Teresa (Evan's wife)
(She is a real artist!). . . 

. . . got glittery tattoos. . . 

. . . and just enjoyed themselves immensely!

Aunt Nedra was so fun to talk to and she shared some family stories I had never heard before. 
Aunt Grace said something I got a kick out of - 
"The Gabrielsens have Doctors, scientists, PHD's and professors.  What we need are some plumbers!"

I guess pooped out kids is a sign
that it was a great reunion!

The next Gabrielsen Reunion will be in 2015,
hosted by The Ron Gabrielsen Family.
Here's hoping we'll have even more attending
and that it is as good 
as this one was!


  1. Ha! Ha! Our posts are so similar, it looks like I copied you on my post, but I actually did it yesterday and set it to post today. Great minds, I guess! I appreciate Roger sharing his great pictures! It was such a wonderful reunion! I too am proud to be a Gabrielsen.

  2. What great posts you and Kay have made! I am sad that I missed that wonderful gathering but your post and pictures brought everything to life.
