Monday, April 17, 2017

Celebrating Love

Our dear teacher (I must insert Master Teacher here) and friend,
Dr. Wayne Brickey, passed away April 10. 
To quote from his obituary,"he is now beginning his higher education in the realms of glory."
Roger and I were able to drive up north to his viewing in Orem and meet up with Mindy and Jodie 
(Jeff babysat Mindy's 4 kids and Rick had a stake meeting), and we got to meet some of the Brickey kids, 
hug his wife, Joanne, and tell her we love her.

Brother Brickey is so important to our family.
All of our children and most of their spouses had the privilege of having him as a tour guide to the Holy Land.
He reached each one of them on a personal level during their tour 
to further love Jesus Christ 
and to understand His mission better.
In 2010, Roger and I, with all of our kids and spouses, had him and his wonderful wife, Joanne, 
take us on a Church History tour through Missouri. 
Two little nursing babies, Addie and Anderson,  got to come along for the ride!

We traveled with him to Church history sites, learning from him each day, 
then had him come to our motel at night, where we all met to listen to him some more.
It was as if our thirst for his vast wisdom and knowledge could not be quenched.
And we managed to have lots of fun with him along the way!
What a witty, fun spirit he had, and he absolutely adores his cute wife, Joanne!

His many credentials include LDS Institute teacher, degrees in education and philosophy, a Doctorate from BYU in Educational Leadership, a tour director and published in magazines, online publications, LDS Church curriculum, and several books.
But his selfless service, his insight and his true love of God are his best ones.
And his hilarious sense of humor!
It's no wonder that the Stratford girls call themselves 
The Brickettes!

Roger and I got to attend a religion class he taught on Wednesday nights in St. George for five years. 
We went all through each of the standard works with him.

His last words, the whispering efforts of a suffering and sincere soul, were, 
"If I could give you one word of counsel, it would be to pray, pray, pray, pray."
His greatest sermon, a life well lived.
We celebrate you, dear friend.

Easter Sunday was a celebration of the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
We attended an extra-special block of meetings in our branch with two wonderful talks 
and our INSTA-CHOIR sang, "How Great Thou Art."
I led over 50 who sang in the choir.
The spirit was strong, with us feeling our love for our Master.

The only pics we have of Easter, without any little kids and bunnies and baskets, are of our Easter dinner. 
Go figure!
Roger grilled mint-and-garlic-marinated lamb chops 
and we had golden raisin and almond sauteed spinach and baked potatoes.

I made a coconut poke cake, which has coconut cream and sweetened condensed milk 
poured through poked holes in a white cake and topped with coconut-flavored whipped cream and coconut flakes.

To end this post on a lighter note, which is about celebrating loveI am including two pretty pics 
that Roger took this morning while he was golfing with his golf buddies 
he goes with every Monday morning at Sunbrook.
We love God's beauty, which is all around us.

We both celebrate our opportunities we have to learn in our lives, 
our dear family and friends and especially the love we have for our dear Savior.


  1. I am so sorry to hear of Brother Brickey's passing. What a beautiful tribute to him! It gives Easter even more meaning this year.

  2. What a wonderful tribute. I'm sure you will miss him and his inspirational teaching!
    Yummy food pics (as always) ;)

  3. Oh wow! It has been so sad to lose my favorite teacher of all time, Wayne Brickey! Those fun photos bring back such happy, wonderful memories we had with him. I will always be grateful to him for his masterful way of teaching gospel truths. I think of him often as I prepare lessons to teach my young women. I think of him often when I teach my children the things he has taught me. I think of him often when I need to be more humble or more Christ-like. I will be eternally grateful for him and the influence for good he has has on my life. I loved your sweet tribute, Mom.

    I am so glad you had a happy Easter Sunday with a 50+ people in your insta choir singing such a beautiful song. Your Easter dinner looks so yummy!

  4. I agree with Stacy. I will forever be grateful to bro. Bricke for being the teacher that gave me my testimony of Joseph Smith. Loved reading this tribute and seeing these cute pictures. Lots of incredible memories.
