Monday, May 18, 2015

"Who Ya Gonna Call? BLUBBER BUSTERS!"

Well, we've been at it again!
Though most of us couples are retired in our Green Valley 8th Branch,
we're not dead yet!
And get-togethers are not even close to boring!

Charlotte Nebecker (front row, middle) is a pistol!
She and her husband have served three missions to third-world and exotic places like Mozambique, interior China and Italy and have lived overseas for his long military career. 
When Charlotte does something, she jumps in with her whole heart and every sinew of her anatomy.
When she was assigned to organize an Enrichment meeting on Health and Fitness, 
she wasn't about to have the sisters yawning (oh this again?)!
To the music, Ghostbusters, she had us kicking and twisting and punching and gyrating and bending and swiveling and . . . well, you get the idea! 
And, in the middle part of the song, when she had the audience call out, Who ya gonna call?
We answered, Blubber Busters, then we went out and vacuumed blubber with our handheld vacuum parts. 
I know, it's one of those things that you had to be there. 

composite pics taken from our Relief Society Newsletter

Each Blubber Buster shared a Health Tip.

My Health Tip was to have a passion, and I taught the sisters one of my favorite songs to sing with my grandkids, Would You Like to Swing On A Star? complete with lots of actions that all of the sisters did with me.

Pouty Face

Owner of a popular Thai restaurant in town and new yoga studio, Benja led a fun "chair" session of yoga. 

I guess that as long as we're able, we're going to keep kicking and twisting and punching and bending and gyrating and swiveling and . . .


  1. This looks like so much fun! My kids would love to learn your actions to their favorite bedtime song...all though I am not sure I want them dancing right before bed. :)

  2. Love it! I love the song Swing on a Star. Keynotes have sung it a lot.

  3. What a great activity. I'm glad to see that there's life and fun after retirement :)

  4. How fun! What a cute theme for enrichment meeting! I love all the pictures!

  5. You ladies are hilarious! I wish I could've seen this live!
