Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Thankful Stratford Thanksgiving, 2014

Celebrating Thanksgiving all together, now that there are 37 of us, is a joyous occasion! 
 Best-buddy cousins hook up again and their moms and dads catch up with each others' lives.
But it takes some doing.
That was especially true, this year. 
Knowing that our Mindy's baby was due on Thanksgiving up north,
we knew we couldn't host Thanksgiving in St. George this year. 
Jodie's lovely table setting for Thanksgiving

Coming to the rescue - these two loved and adored "kids" of ours!

Jodie and I plotted plans a couple months out for the Wednesday night through Sunday morning houseguests and visitors in their home for the long Thanksgiving Weekend. 
Jodie is a creative and masterful planner,
AND she does it all with such a happy countenance.
What good sports these two are!
Roger and I drove from Mindy and Jeff's and stayed Monday night.
 Jodie and I made big shopping lists - she headed to the grocery store and we headed to Costco. 
She also baked several loaves of banana bread for Bishop Rick 
to hand out at Tithing Settlement.
Wednesday, we fixed soup and Jodie made breadsticks and cookies 
for all of the family arriving that night.

Stacy, Tom and kids were the first to arrive.

Ryan, Emily and kids came next.

Missy, Jedd and kids came next - 
new Mom, Mindy, Jeff and kids commuted each day from their home in Highland, 
and they arrived the next day for Thanksgiving dinner and activities.

Blakey's favorite game is playing, Duck Duck Goose.
He goes from person to person in the circle,
touching each one in turn, Saying, "Duck, Duck, Duck . . . "

When he gets to his dad, he pulls off his hat. . .  

. . . touches his head, and says, "Goose!"
Blake takes off like a bullet. 
 Rick chases him around the room.

They play this game in their family,
Blake picks Rick every.  single.  time. 
It was the cutest thing!

The cousins had lots of fun playing in the sports court. . . 

. . . and with iPhones, iPads, computers, etc.
It's such a new world since our childhood!

Actually, I have to admit,
I'm loving my new iPhone 6 plus - 
first time I have ever liked cell phones! 
Maybe Grandma is getting with it
(Probably not.)

So fun to be together for a once-a-year gathering!

We did some cooking and baking for the next day,
including baking up Grandma Lois's famous apple pie.

Stacy made a couple of pumpkin pies - 
Grandma Lois's recipe!

Roger and I put the two fresh turkeys on at midnight 
and they cooked on low and slow all through the night.

I made the stuffing, the cranberries 
and the from scratch (no Campbell soup!) green bean casserole ahead, too.

This mother and daughter were so happy to be reunited 
after Syd's being away at BYU.

Next morning, everyone was up and in high gear.
Lots to do and lots of fun to be had!
Some adults sat around this lovely table.
The rest of the adults sat around the bar, and the kids sat at tables set up by the fireplace.

Food prep went into full swing.
Ryan and Em put together a cute crudite platter,
complete with "Mr. Turkey" in the center.

Jodie made her famous homemade rolls and honey butter.

Tom and Stacy made candied yams and 
Missy and Jedd made tons of mashed potatoes. 

Grandma and Grandpa were on hand to help wherever needed.

Grandpa carved the turkeys . . . 

. . . and I made the gravy.

Meanwhile, Sadie conducted a beauty parlor for all of the girl cousins.

Charlie, Jeff and Tom - "Can't wait to eat!"

The younger cousins made candy "Pilgrim hats."

Some of the kids got creative with the ingredients.

One of the kid tables, with their Pilgrim hat creations

The kids also did a couple of word scrambles.

Jared is an awesome big brother! 
Everyone was adoring cute little Claire!

Blake works his computer like a pro!

The cooks pose for a last-minute pic before the feast begins!

We're all ready to eat!

Here is part of our feast, 
complete with Gabrielsen tradition sauerkraut.

Why does it only take ten minutes to eat a feast 
that took more than ten hours to prepare?
And why do we have to fill up so fast?
questions that we ask ourselves every Thanksgiving. 

The male brigade on clean-up

Football game time at last!
Some of the guys had an early morning flag football game.

Max and his mom

Luke and his mom

Fiona Kathleen and her mom

Miss Claire

It was quite a pleasant day outside,
and families were taking pics for their Christmas cards.

One week apart in age cousins, Maddy and Abby

Ryan and Em chillin' after the big meal

Syd, and Sadie and her mom, Jodie

BYU frosh, Josh

Mom, Kathy and daughter, Jodie
Jodie's dad, Bart, an ER doc, worked on Thanksgiving

We all went to the movies later in the afternoon 
to see,"Big Hero 6."

Cousins having a hot game of Wii after they got on their PJs.

Cute little cousin faces

checking out something? on You Tube.

More cute cousins

Thanksgiving night, Stacy strung adorable bead bracelets 
for Fiona and Addie,
and taught Londyn and Missy how to make them.

Our entire family
 (missing Peter, who had to stay in Mesa for basketball team practice)

We enjoyed one full (in more ways than one),
happy day together.

Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

Roger and I do count our many blessings,
and we are overwhelmingly grateful.

Post-Thanksgiving activities together to come in next post . . .


  1. What a wonderful family and how awesome that you all love to be together!! You are very blessed!

  2. What a wonderful tradition to be all together at Thanksgiving! You have such a beautiful family and it looks like the cousins love to be together! What would we do without our families? They are the best part of life!

  3. Wow! I've been out of the blogging world and so got clear to here before running on to a post I've seen before. What a wonderful blogger you are, preserving all of these wonderful memories and photos. I've enjoyed my journey through your last couple of months!!!

  4. It truly was a wonderful and crazy delicious Thanksgiving! I love being all together and I was especially thankful I got to be there, thanks to Jodie hosting and Fiona coming a week early. Everything looked so beautiful and tasted so good and we had so much fun all together.

  5. It is so fun to see all these great photos. What a happy and wonderful Thanksgiving it was. Jodie is so kind to let all of stay at her home. Such special memories!
