Monday, November 3, 2014

Becca's Baptism and Mesa Memories

Our sweet Becca was to be baptized on Saturday, October 25, in Mesa.
Jake's last JV football game of the season was Thursday night, and we hadn't seen him play, and he was the quarterback, so we left early Thursday morning to get to Mesa in time for the game.
Jake has a strong, accurate arm and he threw some awesome passes. 
They played their rivals who have a better record.
The rivals won the first half and Jake's team won the second half.
The rivals came out on top, but because Jake's team had played so well that second half,
they ended the season on a high.

Jake had a big cheering section, including Uncle Ry Ry, 
Pete and Ben; all of his own family except Syd at BYU 
and Grandma Pam and Grandpa Roger.

Roger and I had both contracted a pesky cold/flu bug,
so we fought that all during our Mesa stay,
but it didn't stop us from going to several things going on 
in Ryan and Emily's kids' lives. 
Friday, Emily treated Stacy, Dad and I to lunch 
at a great Mexican food place in nearby Gilbert. 
Gilbert has several foodie, yummy places in their downtown area.

That afternoon, Anna had a small group of friends - 
two violin players, a flutist, a pianist and another singer - 
come over to their home to practice, 
"A Child's Prayer," for Becca's baptism the next day.
I helped them put it together (sort of - 
they were very talented little gals, and pretty much knew what they were doing),
and we decided to run over to the church to practice with the mic.
Anna and Becca sang the first verse, Becca and Anna's friend sang the second verse, then Becca and Anna sang first verse with Anna's friend singing the second, when they put the two together on the third verse. 
Anna is a good little singer and Becca's sweet voice blended well with hers, as sister's voices do.
And they were talented, little instrumentalists.

Roger and I split up that night - 
I went with Emily to Anna's soccer game,
and Roger went with Ryan and Becca to their ward's Daddy Daughter Night.

The girls played all kinds of fun games with their "Daddies"; 
Roger said it was so well-organized with lots of clever, fun competition.

By Saturday morning, I had almost completely lost my voice and Roger was breaking out with cold sores under his nose, and, causing more concern, on the roof of his mouth.
Doctor Ryan took us to the drug store and prescribed some "aggressive" medicine for Roger.
But we didn't want to miss Ben and Becca's piano recital that morning.  They have a beloved, new teacher, who is talented at bringing out the best in her students and giving them confidence
(one of her methods is to throw cotton balls at them while they are performing to help them get used to distraction as they play).
They both played very well.  Becca is just starting, and showing promise. Ben is a natural talent, feeling the music, as his Dad did and does, as he plays.

The Big Day arrives, and Becca looks beautiful in her white dress,
and so excited to be baptized.

Proud Papa, Ryan, and Mama, Emily

Becca's family are all ready to go to see her get baptized 
and confirmed a member of the Church.

Rebecca Sue's grandmas and grandpas 
love this sweet granddaughter.

Becca had her own baptismal service because of scheduling conflicts with the stake services. There were almost 100 relatives and friends who came to the Church to see Becca baptized and confirmed.  These are her family members who were at their house before we left to go over there.

Becca's Dad baptized and confirmed her a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I love the feeling that this painting of Christ gives, 
with these good parents and their daughter standing next to Him.

Everyone was invited to come over to Ryan and Emily's home 
after the ordinations.
Emily served yummy build-your-own tacos, chips and lots of JalapeñoBuck's (a local, homemade brand that we bring home after every trip to Mesa) green and red salsa. 
A friend made this delicious CTR cake and another friend, the decorated cookies.  Mesa has talented bakers!

Lots of the kids went swimming in their pool.

Ryan had their yard in top condition.

Emily, her mom, Susan, her sister, Liz and her brother, Jim

Her brother, Clark, from SLC, couldn't come,
but his wife, Christine and their little daughter, Claire, flew in that morning to surprise Becca. 
Claire Gilbert is just one month younger than Missy and Jedd's baby Claire.
Becca has a real attachment to this little cutie, 
and was over the moon!

Finally, that evening, we had some time with Becca to give her her belated birthday present. 
She was tickled with her new purse/wallet.

Sunday was Ryan and Emily's ward Testimony meeting; 
 they each bore a beautiful and touching testimony of gratitude.
Emily's parents hosted a lovely dinner and Family Home Evening at their home in Paradise Valley Sunday night for their family, 
Tom and Stacy's family and us. 
Susan served beef bourguignon, this lovely Caprice salad and several things orange for a Halloween theme.

Delicious ice cream cake rolls were served for dessert.
Gilberts have been getting together with the Youngs ever since Tom and Stacy moved there, 
taking turns hosting dinners and FHEs.  
They also celebrate whoever's birthdays have been that month, 
each telling something that they like about that person.

Sunday night, back at Ryan and Emily's, we gave Becca her Baptism Box Grandpa Roger made for her.  
He is explaining to the kids how he made the "Hold to the Rod" floating fist in the shadow box.

As always, our trip to Mesa was chock full 
of happy activities and events -
after all, 11 of our grandchildren live there!
We arrived home Monday night, 
still with my hoarse voice and Roger's cold sores,
but so glad we didn't miss all of the wonderful experiences 
that we had in Arizona!


  1. What a great trip - minus the flu bug! The baptism was a true celebration with love and support from both sides of the family. You have so many talented grandkids and you can tell from the pictures how much they love you and Roger. You two are so good to attend and cheerlead all the important events In you family's lives!

  2. It was so fun to get to be with you for a few days! I am so glad you were able to make it to Jake's game too! We love it when Grandma Pam and Grandpa Roger come to town! Love you!!!

  3. What a beautiful family picture! I love the CTR cookies and cakes. So cute! I hope you are all feeling better!
