Monday, July 29, 2024

Down in June

Many of the details of June, especially the first few days, are lost to me. Roger and I both came down with either a severe virus or the new form of Covid, which included extreme nausea and all the nasties which go with that for the stomach and G.I. tract, and I was told that I even babbled incoherently for a couple of days. Per usual, Roger recovered in a few days, then he became my caregiver extraordinaire, slowly nursing me with sips of Pedialyte and juices through a straw and helping me navigate to accomplish the necessities of life in the bathroom (showering, etc.) Then, when I could eat, he brought me Kneader's chicken noodle soup, and I sipped the broth, which tasted like elixir of the gods, and he made me fruit juice ( I especially liked apricot and mango) and ginger ale icees. I had several kind neighbors and friends bring in food through the days, whom I will appreciate eternally. The very worst part of that sickness is the weakness it left me with. I am still not 100%, but I am steadily improving with a renewed gratitude for good health and a heightened sense of love and appreciation for the mate I fell in love with 56 years ago. 

With some of the Christmas gift money Roger received from the kids, he decided to take some weekly golf lessons from a PGA pro, Rob Krieger. He is part of a Veterans' program called PGA Hope, which instructs Vets how to play better golf. Roger's lessons culminated in a free day of golf at Sunbrook with other PGA Hope Vets on June 8. Roger says he has learned a tremendous lot from Rob on how to improve his golf game and it is some of the best money he has ever spent. He really took his lessons seriously and would go out and practice behind our house when Sunbrook's last golfers went by every week.

PGA Hope Vets free day of golf together

We managed to have a delicious Father's Day meal of grilled steak, though Roger did most of the work. He is an excellent outdoor griller!

One of the most disappointing casualties of my getting sick is having to miss the aunt's bridal shower for Kenna at Jodie's house in SLC. Jared and McKenna are such a happy couple and I am so grateful that we were able to go to their open house in Boise in May and be around Kenna and her parents, who are darling.
Jodie is always a super hostess of whatever the occasion, going the extra mile to make it wonderful!

After the shower in SLC, Missy and Claire came for a short visit to St. George, I think mainly to check up on me, and I loved their company! We enjoyed great chats and ate take-out. Missy and Claire went hiking and swimming one day; Claire is a little sprite delight to be around. They really lifted my spirits.

Roger has served on the HOA Board for over 8 years and he was presented with this plaque when he "retired".

I have to say I was kind of glad to see June go this year and I looked forward to better health and fun to be back on the menu for July!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Pam. I am sorry to hear you were so sick. We actually were down at the same time. I came home from our cruise on June 1st with COVID and was SO sick. I too am just getting energy back and am still coughing some. It is wicked! I'm so glad Missy and cute Claire came to see you. Roger IS the best!
