Friday, January 28, 2022

From Turbo Speed to Snail Crawl

 December Anticipation and January Blahs
Some patterns rarely change! This year was no exception.

Roger and I have mostly hunkered down this month, got carpets cleaned, went to doctors' appointments, cleared out drawers and closets, made soups and binge-watched old tv series (that would be me, acquiring an addiction for newly-discovered Gilmore Girls!)
And we have enjoyed studying and discussing Come Follow Me with each other and with our Zoom study group every Monday evening.
It was Roger's turn in January, and he led some wonderful discussions this month. 
I love to keep the thermostat on 67 or lower and the fireplace on in the winter, wrapped in a cozy blanket and kicked back in my favorite chair as I read or do the afore-mentioned binge-watching.
My Nordic blood enjoys the cold a little better than Roger's!

We hosted our Sunbrook dinner group and Roger grilled a large salmon and I made coconut rice and the guests brought garlic-sauced fresh green beans, a delicious Cobb salad, crunchy baguettes and brownies and ice cream. We have had such delicious meals with this group. 

It has been quite a diverse group, with a nuclear scientist who designs bomb shelters, an event planner for famous movie stars and a few ultra-conservative Trumpsters in the mix! Lots of strong opinions, but we all managed to get to know one another better and like each other.
I think it's a good idea, and we should all be rotating to a new group next month.

Roger has enjoyed golfing through January, a real plus for living in sunny St. George.
He likes to take pretty pics of Sunbrook Golf Course, where he plays with his foursome every Monday morning.

They traveled to play at Coyote Springs, a Jack Nicklaus golf course which is kind of out in the middle of nowhere on the way to Las Vegas.

With coordinating cellphone calls as they finished golfing and headed back home, the wives (minus Annie, who had a bad cold) met them at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Los Lupes in Mesquite, for an early dinner.

I'll finish up this January post with a pic of our backyard resident road runner. 
Meep meep!



  1. Ken's been dreaming of playing that course and then visiting a wildlife sanctuary nearby.

  2. Sometimes I really like have a slow January. It's nice to catch up on things around the house. That pic of dad all wrapped up in the blanket made me laugh.

  3. I am so glad Dad gets to golf with his buddies on Mondays and that golf course looks like a good one. The table you set for your Sunbrook dinner group looks so pretty and the food was delicious because you made it. I love the pic of dad all wrapped up...glad you had a low key January and you were able to get some things done around the house.
