Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Summer with the Pandemic

In spite of the Pandemic canceling our get-away plans with family and friends, we both kept busy tackling put-off projects. For me, it was working on my family history and making a book. Roger and I sat side by side by the computer for weeks putting my book together. We made a great team and I could not have done it without him - BIG understatement! More about that later!

Our Pathway Connect classes for our first group ended on July 23, and because of Covid, we couldn't gather for a party, so I came up with another plan. Why not make box lunches for two for each of the kids, then they could come drive by our house and pick them up, then enjoy them with a sequestered friend of their choice?

I made shrimp pasta salad and big chocolate chip cookies.

 Sham's ham sandwiches on Hawaiian buns were also on the menu 
and I made two for each person.

Roger found these containers at the dollar store 
that we used for their lunches that they could just keep,

Two boxes to share are ready to go!

We just love our Pathway kids and can't wait to see what they will do next! 
Most are continuing on to college and have bright futures!
We took pics of some of them as they picked up their box lunches.





A former client of Roger's shares his garden excess each summer, including tomatoes, eggplant and grapes. 
Home cooking a bit more than usual and not eating out has been a good outlet for me, 
but not so much for my waistline!

I make too many treats, and I share them with neighbors and friends, but still eat too many!

I've just loaded in some pics of what our kids have been up to this summer and early fall during Covid.

Mom and daughter look-alikes

As a tradition, Stacy makes a big cookie for each of her kids with the number of the grade he/she is in 
on the first day of school.



First day of school!

Blakey's birthday

Cousins Katie and Jared before they leave for their missions
They really love each other and kind of hoped 
they would be sent to the same mission.

Elder Smith serving in Scottsdale North Mission

Family Farewell to Katie

Sister Stratford is on her way to Long Island to serve her mission, 
while waiting to be sent to Japan when it opens up.

Addie and Fiona making cookies

Fi wearing a hand-me-down shirt we gave to Addie

Graduate Josh

Sadie getting engaged

Joe and Sadie surfing on Lake Powell

Rick's still got t!

Blake sent me the fish face, one of our little "exchanges."

Back at you, cute boy!

A Covid visit from Stacy

Summertme Smith visit to Grandma

Cute Claire

Back-to-school cookie

Ellie is growing up!

Mindy said she practiced a lot, and finally got it!

These Sratford grandkids reenacted Sound of Music!

Their kids surprised Ryan and Em on their anniversary with 
dinner for two on their patio.

May the Force Be With You on new Star Wars Premiere Night

And Pete will be home from his Church mission in Armenia in a week! Yahoo!

Josh and girlfriend, Jaylene are playing a duet. We love her - fingers crossed!

I guess the sun doesn't know 
it's setting over a Covid/World-Gone-Mad!

How long this Pandemic will last is anybody's guess, but we'll just keep plugging away with our histories, 
the end still not in sight with those, either!



  1. Those Pathways kids are so lucky to have you! What a great idea to give them a picnic. It looks delicious. And I loved seeing what everyone else is doing, too. I am working on my history, too. It's a great stay at home project. I loved this post.

  2. I have a love hate relationship with your food pictures. It is fun to see all the delicious food you eat - but it makes me want to eat it all!!! You guys were so great with your Pathway students - they were so lucky to have you! Such fun summer memories during a crazy time!

  3. You and Dad are such a great team making those to go lunch boxes for your Pathways students. They are packaged and wrapped up so cute and full of love. I think it is amazing how you and Dad have tackled your family history and have worked together so many months to compile and complete your first book! You are incredible! So many fun photos of the different things happening!
