Monday, April 22, 2019

It's Spring!

Spring finally sprung!

I thought it was time to catch up on what Roger and I have been up to. 
It wouldn't have been St. Patrick's Day without corned beef and cabbage. 
And for something green I made the Watergate jello salad from the '70's - remember that one?
I made my friend, Karleen's mother's Kentucky mustard recipe after I texted her to text the recipe. 
She texted it to me, then kindly informed me that it was printed in my cook book I made several years ago -
with her mother's name on it!
Oh, boy - (I'm) losing it!

We really enjoyed listening to all of the sessions of Spring General Conference.
With all of the cultural changes, not doctrinal, made in President Nelson's first year, 
rumors were flying about what was coming next. 
What came was amazing and inspirational guidance and reiteration of important gospel principles 
from our dear prophet, apostles and other leaders. 

Roger grilled a pork tenderloin and I fixed coconut rice, asparagus and Caprice Caesar salad.

A real highlight of our spring is hearing The Keynotes sing their spring concert in the Tabernacle. 
I've raved on before about how good this group is - we love their gorgeous music!

Kay sang several lovely solos

We got a real treat for Easter this year - 
our granddaughters Sadie, Katie and Abby drove to St. George 
to spend Easter weekend with us!
They arrived Friday before dinner and I had chicken enchiladas, tomatillo salsa and chips, 
salad and Kay's banana bars waiting for them. 
Saturday morning, after a waffle, golden syrup, strawberries and candy bacon breakfast, 
Roger and the girls went hiking to Kolob Canyon's Taylor Creek. 
I knew it would be too much for my creaky knees!

Katie is a graduating high school senior, planning to attend BYU in the fall, 
Sadie is a returned missionary from Cambodia and is continuing her education at BYU 
and Abby is a 9th grader. 
Each is doing good things!

They came home raving about the beauty and it was a gorgeous spring day!

I thought ahead about what was a food item that was a favorite of each of these cute girls. 
What prompted me to do this were these memories:

*When Sadie was in junior high, her family brought their boat one time when they visited us and I made a picnic lunch to take out on the boat. She really liked the antipasti pressed sandwich I made, and then, several times on subsequent visits, she asked, 
"Grandma, did you make that sandwich?"
to which I 'd answer,"No, sorry, Honey!"
So I made one!

*One Christmas that we spent at Rick and Jodie's, "Santa" brought Katie an entire box of See's Bordeaux chocolates, per her fervent request, and by the next evening, she had eaten every one!
She LOVES them!
So, of course, we had a Bordeaux Easter egg for Katie (and we didn't leave the other two out)!

*On the Christmas that Abby was five, we were again staying with Rick and Jodie and we asked her, 
"What was your favorite Christmas present?" 
She immediately answered, "Parmesan cheese!"
Santa had brought each kid a big block of parmesan d reggiano from Tony Caputo's.
So I made Caesar Salad with homemade dressing and croutons 
with lots of big curls of parmesan cheese for our Easter dinner!

The antipasti sandwich is getting pressed in the garage frig.

I also made sweet pasta salad with bacon and cheese.

 Easter morning we had Trader Joe's almond croissants from the freezer section that rose all night - if you haven't tried them, they are so good!
I talked the girls into going to choir practice and singing in our Easter choir.
There were several of our best singers out of town, so I was grateful to have their sweet voices. 
With visitors who came up to sing, we sounded great and we had a fine violinist accompany us,
 a young returned missionary from Chile who has played with us occasionally 
since his junior high days, and now he teaches violin!
I love lamb for Easter, so Roger grilled a fresh rosemary, thyme and garlic-encrusted rack of lamb.
After we ate our Caesar salads, we had lamb and mint jelly, baked potatoes, asparagus and orange rolls. For dessert I baked a glazed lemon cake topped with whipped cream.

I took a pic of the girls devouring their salads - they each love Caesar salad.

We took a quick pic at the door as they were leaving.

We had so much fun talking with these wonderful girls this weekend, sharing memories and
talking about what's going on in their lives and plans for the future. 
We love each of them so much!
Each is grounded well, spiritually and with their heads on straight,
understanding what is important in life 
and they are living their lives accordingly.
And they're delightful!
What more could grandparents ask for?


  1. You are the best Grandma!! Wow, such fun food memories and so sweet of you to recreate each one. All of the food looked to die for and my mouth is now watering. What a fun and beautiful hike with Grandpa. I love the memories you are creating with those three beautiful sisters!

  2. I love that Kay is still singing in the Keynotes and you get to watch her and support her! How fun Sadie, Katie and Abby came to St. George for Easter. The hike looked like a very nice time for them to enjoy some of God's beautiful creations and spend time connecting with Grandpa Roger. So nice of you to prepare such lovely meals for the girls each catered to the things they love. You always put so much time, thought and love into everything you do Mom. I love that about you. I am so glad you were able to have such a beautiful Easter and conference weekend with my beautiful nieces.
