Thursday, May 4, 2017

Mesa Beckons Us

Time has rolled around again for this inspiring, mind-blowing concert.
I guess this will show our age, but while youngers buy concert tickets months ahead 
and travel distances to see pop and rock groups perform, 
Roger and I travel to Mesa 
to hear this concert of over 1500 voices. 
I told Ryan and Emily I would drive to NYC to hear it. 
It's that good!
Its purpose is to teach and encourage excellence in quality of sacred and classical music, 
with a focus on God and country.
Ryan and Emily graciously treat us to up-front tickets with them each concert.
A big bonus is our grandson, Ben, performs in one of the five choirs. 
Now in their tenth season, they do two concerts a year, 
at Christmastime and Eastertime, 
and they brilliantly highlight those seasons for us.

I got a quick hug from Ben before he left for the concert hall.
The time commitment for the kids and their parents, who help make the logistics happen, is huge!

The choir performs twice two nights in a row, and we arrived early for the 6 pm concert. 
Roger took a quick pic of the concert hall.

Here are the lucky family members who attended. 
We always come out of the concert nearly overcome with joy 
after hearing the beautiful music performed.

Ben's proud parents . . . 

. . . Grandma Pam and Grandpa Roger . . . 

. . . Cousin Maddy (Ben's Best Buddy) . . .

. . . .and Big Fan Aunt Stacy!

As luck would have it, this weekend it was also Pete's Junior Prom.
And as the Junior Class President, he was in charge.
He has been growing taller lately and is nearly the same size as his dad. 
It's a good thing because when he put his own suit on, it was too little, so he wore Ryan's.
Doesn't he look spiffy and what a pretty date!
Pete says she's a fun friend.

Emily's parents were on a tour of China, but they graciously offered their home for Pete and his friends 
to have a dinner before the prom there. 
Eight other couples were invited and their parents provided the food.
Emily, Ryan, Roger and I hurriedly drove to Scottsdale to set everything up. 
It was such fun picking out dish ware, silver ware, placemats, goblets and napkins from Susan's lovely cache. 
They celebrated with glasses of Martinelli's.

Almost all set up. 
Pete's cute little sister, Sarah Kate, came with us, and she thought a great touch 
would be to scatter flower petals on the table. 
She also made colorful hand-colored signs on the door and the pillar to the kitchen saying, "PROM."

One of the moms brought flowers.

I love their happy smiles!

Here are all eighteen posing in the backyard.
Such a nice group of kids!

I took this pic of the girls taking a selfie. 
I thought the girls all looked so pretty!

Roger was busy grilling the marinated chicken.
He is a Master Griller, you know!

The kids are enjoying their feast in the gorgeous dining room.

We didn't get to see him prom night, but Stacy and Tom's Jake, 
who is a senior and graduating from Mountain View High School this month 
and preparing for BYU summer school, then an LDS mission, 
invited this cute friend from one of his classes.

On Sunday, after Ryan's ward's three-hour block, Tom, Stacy and kids came over for dinner at Ryan and Emily's. 
After a tasty dinner, the cousins put on a little show for us.
Becca introduced the cast, who did some kind of spoof of Studio C.

Sarah Kate did some routine about, "Naw, I don't do mornings!"

I'm not sure who Max was supposed to be and Luke came bounding in as Spider Man, 
but they were having wrestling matches and giggling fits by the end of the show!

There are always so many things going on in our two Mesa kids' families' lives 
and it's such fun to touch in with them. 
This was definitely another great trip to Mesa!


  1. Another super fun trip to Mesa!! Sounds wonderful. All those kids looked great going to the dance.

  2. Wow! Those grandkids are growing up! You'll soon have two more missionaries out! How fun to get to be part of their special times!

  3. Sounds like a fun trip! Jake and Pete look so handsome all dressed up!

  4. It was so fun to have you in town for Ben's concert! That was an amazing musical evening! I am so proud of Ben! It is always wonderful when we get to spend time with you and Dad! Love you both so much!❤️❤️
