Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Who knew 91 could look so good!




And part of the reason she does 
and is so young at heart 
is she continues her lifetime good habits of hard work, positive attitude and serving others.

Roger and I headed up north on Saturday and when we arrived, 
we went to have pizza and a salad at Ogden Pizzaria.
Grandpa didn't much like pizza and Grandma never got enough of it, 
and this is her favorite pizza place.
After dinner, we drove out to the Wayment farm to pick some tomatoes from their garden.
Look who jumped right in to help!

Like mother, like son

There is nothing like fresh tomatoes from right out of the garden to take back home.
Thanks, Chyrrl and Glynn, for sharing!

We stayed with Lois, and on Sunday, Lois's birthday, we went to church with her, 
then started setting up for her over 80 kids, grandkids and great-grandkids 
who came over for a hamburger cookout in her backyard.
It was so pleasant sitting under her giant tree, enjoying the last summer weather, before everyone came.

Her pretty daughters, Chyrrl, Susie and Shellie planned a wonderful celebration.
The apples don't fall far from the tree.

Roger took some fun panorama shots of the backyard as everyone gathered 
to celebrate this beloved lady's life.

A cotton candy machine was rented again because it went over so big at her 90th birthday party.

Little Fiona loved her Great Aunt Susie!

. . . and Fi loved Grandma's tree swing!

. . . and she loved every bite of food she tasted!

These two cute cousins, Mindy and Angie, have lots of happy memories of growing up together, 
hanging out together at Grandma's every Sunday night and they had lots of sleepovers at each other's houses.

Okay, Grandma, now it's time for birthday cake and presents!

There are 91 candles on that cake!

Gift time!

She was so tickled that so many grandkids and great-grandkids could be there!
Mindy, Jeff, Jack, Adelaide, Charlie and Fiona came from Highland, 
and Jodie came with Abby and Blake, then Rick came late in his suit after Bishop meetings.

She truly has a special relationship with every one of the kids - they each adore her 
and she adores each of them!

These are the grandkids who could be there.

All of her kids and spouses were there except, of course, Gordie, and his wife, JaNae (out of town).

Her kids, Roger, Chyrrl, Scott, Shellie and Susie

Roger took a shot of the two of us late that evening.
Big day!

Monday we drove out to Willard to get peaches to take home,
then again celebrated Lois's birthday at her favorite place.

We are so grateful for this shining light in our lives,
and grateful that we could get to celebrate her 91st birthday with her!
She's not really 91, but 18 with 73 years experience!


  1. She is quite a lady! Wow, 91 years does look good on her.

  2. I like that ...18 with 73 years of experience! She truly is such an inspiration! I love that woman and both of you. It was so fun to catch up with the family and celebrate Grandma!

  3. I can't believe she is 91!!! She is the youngest 91 year old I have ever known. I am so glad you all had a fun celebration for her birthday! You are right that everyone loves her and she makes everyone feel loved. It is fun to see the photos of all my aunts and uncles and cousins.

  4. What a great celebration for a great lady!!! I loved looking at every face and feeling the joy of family. Great post, Pam. I hope she sees it.

  5. Happy Birthday Lois! She is amazing! The birthday party looks like fun and I love all of the birthday cakes!!
