Monday, April 8, 2013

Green Valley 8th Branch Relief Society Birthday Celebration, 2013

We celebrated our Relief Society birthday a little late this year.  The R. S. b-day is March 17 and we had our party on April 2.

   The past two years, we have had a fun auction of sisters' homemade items, talents, etc. and Bob Brady was our auctioneer.
Bob and Mary are in Malaysia serving a mission.  
How could we have that party without Bob?

Our Relief Society theme for this year is How to Become an 8 Cow Grandmother.

Jackie Fullmer, who also brought us the auction idea, wrote a birthday celebration program that had us 60 years and older sisters singing and dancing up a storm!

You might recognize Jackie from a commercial airing now about getting immunizations for whooping cough; she's the grandma ringing the doorbell!
She taught at USU when I was a student there 100 years ago.  I actually had a volley ball class from her.  And she started the Aggiettes, who were the best drill team around!  She's been Miss Utah, etc. etc. and has worked in performance her whole life.

She brings lots of energy and fun to our branch.  She lost her husband a few months ago, so she needed a diversion from her grieving, and she threw her heart and soul into this program!

Twelve of us sisters each represented our birthday month of the year for the program. We each came up with our costume representing our month. My birthday is right on Valentine's Day, so I had this shirt, then I wore every piece of heart jewelry I have received over the years!  I found the "ears" at a party shop.

After the welcome, we marched in singing,  Twelve months, and then you start back over, twelve months, shout and give a cheer; Twelve months, and then you start back over; Twelve months are in a year.

Jackie had us doing dance squares around each other, figure eights, boogie, boogie, boogie, boogie, and bopping to the beat while we sang the song.

We practiced for three weeks, and we would come home from two hour rehearsals, tired, then, oh so sore the next day! Jackie's philosophy is age is all in your mind!

After singing the song featuring each month, Jackie led us, with all of the sisters, in a cheer for each of our birthday months.

We then posted each of our signs to our month's table and taught the sisters at our table a rap about our birthday month.

February, shortest - month of the year;
Valentine's Day, when you say, "I love you, Dear;"
With President Lincoln and Washing -ton;
February birthdays - We're the!

While we were teaching our tables the raps, Jackie and Marilee Flagler changed clothes . . .

. . . and Marilee rapped the rhythm into the mike with her mouth . .   .

. . . and Jackie beat the rhythm on a drum.

"I love you, Dear."

Taking our final bows

After we had a delicious potato bar luncheon, there was one last surprise song and dance number highlighting our cow theme for the year.

These cows were so hilarious, we had them perform it again!

What a thoroughly silly, but thoroughly fun time we had with each other!
We created memories together that none of us will forget!

1 comment:

  1. What a great R.S. Birthday celebration! You look so cute in your February costume! This will be a celebration you remember for sure! Who was the photographer that captured all the fun and excitement? Was it Roger?
