Friday, March 22, 2013


I LOVE this wonderful organization for women!

When I was first married and in my early twenties, I went to my first Relief Society meeting, thinking it was an organization for old women
 But from that very first meeting, I was hooked!
I discovered that it enriches every sister's life, whatever phase she happens to be in!

This is a photo of Relief Society sisters taken in front of the Logan, Utah, 4th Ward in 1924.
They are celebrating the Cache Valley Centennial.

My two great-grandmothers, Sarah Park and Inga Peterson; my grandmother, Libby Fox Peterson, and my mom, Dorothy Gene Peterson Gabrielsen, are all in the picture.
My mom is the little girl on the far right.

I LOVE this picture and am so grateful it was taken and preserved.

The Relief Society birthday fell on a Sunday, so, to honor the organization, our Sacrament meeting was all about it. The speakers talked about it's importance and all of the sisters were invited to sing in our choir with a special arrangement accompanied on piano and violin of our anthem, "As Sisters In Zion."

We had several of our own sisters up in the choir seats who had never sung in a choir before.  We rehearsed the week before in Relief Society, and there were still some sisters reluctant to sing in our choir.  I recruited before the meeting began, telling them that we were a choir of sisters, not necessarily singers!  And several visiting sisters joined us. They sounded marvelous!

The Spirit was strong and our love for Relief Society was yet again, renewed.


  1. What a wonderful post and picture! I love seeing all their dresses. Is that in front of the Logan temple or tabernacle?

  2. I love this picture too! Relief Society has certainly blessed my life! What a great post. I believe that this picture was taken in front of the Logan Fourth Ward meeting house - just around the corner and down the street from Grandma Peterson's home.
