Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Talk, Talk, Talk - Reunions and Get-Togethers in September

It's so fun to have a granddaughter going to university in St. George!  We love having Ellie over for Sunday dinner, and when we invited her this time she texted, "Yes, please! I have a friend who's pretty homesick and I was wondering if she could join us, too?"

This is Lauren from Colorado Springs and she is delightful and adorable!

Pi Kappa Alpha Reunion

This is the fraternity Roger joined in college days at USU. We both have happy memories of those long ago days and special friendships.
(Text Invitation)

Over 50 Pi Kaps attended and many of their spouses. We had a delicious Surf and Turf dinner and renewed many friendships, some guys I had known and some I hadn't. Each Pi Kap gave a 2 minute update (Yeah, right! Everybody is old, so, of course, each was longer, but a bell gonged when they ran over too far.) They each had to conclude with, "What is your greatest accomplishment?" I was surprised at how many had pursued academia and were researchers, professors, doctors and educators and have contributed to mankind in their pursuits.

Lynn Cook, Larry Hendricks and Bob Brady

Nolan Bushnell, inventor of Atari, Inc., Chuck E. Cheese, Pong and many other video and arcade games and was named Newsweek's One of 50 Men Who Changed America was there. He dated our Come Follow Me friend, Nancy VanNoy, and we asked him to tell us something to tease her about from their dating time. He only had complimentary things to say about her. Nice guy!

We took this pic of Dave to show Roger's sister, Chyrrl, because he grew up in Stratfords' neck of the woods and he had a giant crush on her in school.

When I heard one of the Pi Kaps introduce himself as Cloyd Bedke, I went up to him afterward and asked him if he is related to Ray Bedke, my beloved deceased uncle. He lit up and said he is his cousin and he is the last surviving Bedke of that era. He lives now in San Diego and it was mentioned that he makes amazing puzzles. Gary Petersen is a cardiologist and was a friend of Roger's in the Pi Kap house. Wish we had taken more pics, as there are many more stories/memories attached to several who attended. For instance, we sat by the guy who purchased the famous Pi Kap fire engine in Woodruff, Utah, and drove it to the Pi Kap house, where it has sat for decades and they still keep it running.

Quick story from the past: 3 or 4 years before I entered USU as a freshman, the Sigma Chi Fraternity stole the fire engine and drove it into 1st Dam, so, in retaliation, the Pi Kaps got an old nag bound for the glue factory, led it downstairs to the Sigma Chi chapter room and shot it. They had to cut it up to get it out, and this story was written up in Life Magazine!

Gary Petersen, Cloyd Bedke, me and Cloyd's cute wife

Roger's sister, Susie, and her husband, Craig, were in charge of the Lois and Keith Reunion this year. They assigned out all of the fixin's for each attendee to assemble homemade pork and chicken salads/burritos and dips, salsa and chips. And we were offered several delicious desserts and cookies. If it's a Stratford gathering, you know you're going to get delicious, homemade food! They sent out this cute invitation to all of the family. There was a large, rented bounce slide, pickle ball games on Chyrrl and Glynn's new court, and the highlight was the many horse rides with Glynn's horses. Though a bit leaner in attendance than last year because school had started and there were Saturday ball tournaments and hunting season had started, we had fun chatting and catching up with each other's lives. Susie and Craig did a great job putting it all together!

Lois and Keith's kids

Roger's siblings + spouses ( Shellie's, husband, Todd, left early to work on their new home)

Glynn was exhausted after taking over 20 kids on horsie rides for a couple of hours!

Ever since we were formed into a branch, probably 14 years ago, Jay and Janice Ence have opened up their summer home in Pine Valley for us to have a big picnic. We all bring pre-assigned salads and desserts and usually have some kind of delicious meat served, and always a little entertainment. We all look forward to it all year.

This darling lady - Janice Ence, (Jay has been gone for 4 years), is such a gracious hostess, and we have a special relationship because she has been my visiting teacher/minister ever since we moved to St. George 21 years ago! I love her dearly!


Special friends!

Viki Whitmer, Dixie Stoddard, me, Lori Crowther Taylor (Roger's 1st cousin)

Aggie Dudes

These two guys, Steve and Loran, and their wives, Viki and Nancy, moved into our branch after we moved to St. George. Coincidentally, I dated both of the guys at USU. Roger golfs and plays pickle ball with them.

When I next invited Ellie to dinner, I texted, " Ellie, if you would like to come to dinner Sunday, you are invited. And a friend would be welcome, too," she responded, " I will be there! My friend from high school was jealous last week, so I think I'll bring her. Thank you!"
I told Ellie that we almost always grill salmon on Sunday, and she said, she loves it! Her cute friend's name is Naomi.

My dear friend, Karleen, came from up north on Monday, September 23, for our annual Shakespeare get-away in Cedar City. I fixed her favorite, what she almost always orders in restaurants, taco salad. I also made our favorite tomatillo salsa to eat with chips and coconut munchie bars. It was fun to figure out how I could serve each part of the meal on my Polish pottery.

On Tuesday we drove to Cedar City to have lunch and attend the matinee of Much Ado About Nothing. The Pastry Pub is under new ownership and it has been redecorated and upgraded a bit, and we had a tasty lunch. The play was very well-acted, including lots of physical comedy and humor, not adding any new lines from the original ones, but getting many laughs from the audience, who come from all over to this Shakespeare Festival. Braedon Young, Steve Young's son and our Stacy's nephew, had a clever part where he did lots of physical comedy and he did it well.

There is always an informative briefing before each play, which helps the audience get more out of it. I am always amazed at how articulate and knowledgeable the presenters are, and we don't miss them. We didn't take pics, but we had dinner at the Centro Wood-fired Pizzeria, and everything is homemade and gourmet, and it was absolutely delicious with very friendly servers!
We saw, 37 Steps, a comedy spoof on Alfred Hitchcock's movie, that was very clever and entertaining.

Wednesday morning we left on a day trip, visiting 3 National Parks - Cedar Breaks, Bryce Canyon and Zion. The leaves are turning, particularly the quaking aspen (quakies), which are a vivid yellow, and we once again marveled at God's handiwork - so much variety and each, work a Masterpiece!

We didn't take as many pics as we wish but, truly, the scenery was spectacular on a beautiful day. We had a tasty buffet lunch at Ruby's Inn, explored some overlooks in Bryce Canyon, then returned home through Zion

Cedar Breaks

Bryce Canyon

Karleen caught her shuttle back up north Thursday late morning. We all 3 talked each others' ears off throughout the stay. Roger managed to squeeze golf, pickle ball and softball practice for the Huntsman Senior Games in and Karleen and I talked and talked! Old friends are priceless, aren't they?

No more reunions are scheduled now until next year. I'm all talked out now, but I'm sure I'll be eagerly ready when the next one rolls around!