Thursday, September 19, 2024

August, 2024, Part 2

Roger's 80th Birthday!

That number of years that's above Roger's head comes around so fast! Mine is 6 months behind his, so next Valentine's Day, it will be my turn. This wonderful man, whom I have been married to for over 56 years, has discovered the Fountain of Youth! Granted, he has inherited great genes, but Hunter S. Thompson captured his philosophy he lives by.

"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, 'Wow, what a ride!'"

Roger lives life to its fullest, either running (he's run 4 marathons), playing golf or playing pickle ball every day but Sunday. He helps me with almost every chore of living, changing the sheets, laundering, cleaning and sous chefing my cooking. He does all of the finances, most of the grocery shopping, deeply studies the scriptures daily and checks in with and serves our neighbors well. He is self-discipline personified. And, despite and because of all of that, he is fun to live with!

We were visiting up north at Rick and Jodie's home during his birthday, which was between times  from my Sibling Reunion and their daughter, Katie's, wedding.

I made reservations for 4 at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, inviting Rick and Jodie to go with us to celebrate Roger's birthday. The hostess led us to a back dining room, and when we entered the dark, backlit from the sun coming through the blinds room, I was looking for the promised, decorated table for 4, when the people at the long table in the center of the room stood up and yelled, "Surprise!" Unbeknownst to us, all of our kids but Ryan (he performed 10 surgeries that day) had come a day early for Katie's wedding, and boy, did they surprise their dad!

We ate delicious filet mignon and Roger chose Key lime pie for his complimentary dessert.

After dinner, we all drove back to Rick's house for a small celebration, where they presented Roger with a book containing tributes and pics from all of the kids, spouses and grandkids. Such a treasure!

Grandpa explaining how old he is to Blake

What a special surprise it was! We both adore these kids of ours (we missed Ryan), and what a blessing they are in our lives!

Granddaughter Katie and Easton Get Married

The evening before the wedding, Easton's parents hosted a dinner at the Wild Oak to honor the beautiful couple.

Katie is delighted with her new mother-in-law (on her left) and her 4 new sisters.

Ryan and Emily

Newlyweds Jared and McKenna

Stacy and daughter, Maddy

Cousin Anna and husband, Jack, flew back from NYC for the wedding.

Brother Josh and Jaylene flew from Cornell University in upstate New York to be there and sister Sadie and Joe made an exciting announcement after the wedding was over - they are expecting in February!

Rick presented a picture memory book of their wonderful trip to the Masters Golf Tournament to Ryan, Roger, Josh and Joe.

Daughter Missy and husband, Jedd, cousins Anders, Claire and Fiona

3 generations

Each member of Katie and Easton's immediate families shared memories and tributes to the bride and groom.

After a beautiful ceremony in the Draper Temple, the bride and groom were happily greeted by friends and family!

Katie's beautiful family (Abby is on her Church mission in Oklahoma) posed in front of the temple.

Loving mother and daughter

Loving father and daughter


Brothers of the bride

Katie's Grandmas and Grandpa (missing dear Bart)

Grabbing a quick pic with granddaughter, Anna, and husband, Jack.

The Smiths (minus Sam and Ellie)

Jaylene's parents took care of Josh and Jaylene's kids (Caleb and Lydia) while we were all in the temple. We love Sally and Maynard!

Missy's family had eaten at this place before and loved the food, so some of us headed there after the photos were taken.

Sushi nachos (YUM!) and the best sweet potato fries ever plus many other delicious things!

This venue at Thanksgiving Point was so gorgeous and the food was so good!

Rick was cracking up at something President Taylor said, whom he serves with in the Stake Presidency and Roger took a quick pic.

Brothers and buddies

Time to cut the cake

And off they go, heading to Mexico on their honeymoon.

Celebrating a milestone birthday, a grandson and a granddaughter's temple weddings, and 2 family reunions were all glorious occasions to top off one of the busiest, but also, one of the best Augusts ever!